Scientific Consultation on the German Strategy for Sustainable Developement

As part of its mission, the Science Platform will organise a consultation process to gather views from science organisations as part of the revision process for the 2020 edition of the German Strategy for Sustainable Development.

This process of consultation will foster dialogue between the Federal Government and other political actors together with representatives from across society. The critical and constructive insights gathered through this consultation process will inform future editions of the German Strategy for Sustainable Development, including the forthcoming update in 2020.

The Federal States, the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Sustainable Development of the German Bundestag, the German Council for Sustainable Development and various municipal associations are among the organisations that will contribute to this process.


The first German Strategy for Sustainable Development “Perspectives for Germany” was adopted in April 2002. Since then, sustainable development has been a central goal of government action. The strategy is refined and developed further every four years. The first progress report on its implementation was published in 2004. The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 global goals are key points of reference in the most recent edition – “Deutsche Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie – Neuaflage 2016” – which was adopted by Cabinet in January 2016.

The Federal Statistical Office has published biannual indicator reports tracking the implementation of the Strategy for Sustainable Development since 2006. These reports identify needs for action and provide detailed information about developments in the core areas of sustainability policy within Germany. The most recent indicator report was published in December 2018.

These reports are complemented by the work of the Parliamentary Advisory Council on Sustainable Development, which prepares sustainability impact assessments to ensure that new laws and regulations in Germany align with the goals of the Strategy for Sustainable Development.


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